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About us

320 St. Mark's Place
Staten Island, NY  10301
(718) 448-0165

BHRC's  Vision  &  Mission  Statement


The Vision of the Brighton Heights Reformed Church is to create a community of believers who worship God and want to live by and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


The Mission of Brighton Heights Reformed Church is to  worship, pray and sing together; organize programs of evangelism; provide Christian education programs for children and adults; give members opportunities to serve the Lord through service to the church, each other and the larger community; promote tithing and good stewardship of all the church's resources.

Rev. Dr. Alfred Correa, DMin

Church Officers



Quintilia Greene

Diane Heigh

Joan Rannie

James Samuels



Dana Blocka

Karen Card

Anthony Ferguson

Joycelyn Gumbs

Mary Jimmerson

Treasurer: Erica Minot​t

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